
1953 events news

The Shrewsbury Flower Show

On Friday and Saturday 10th and 11th August 2012 the oldest horticultural show in the world will be celebrating it’s 125th anniversary and Pell Wall Perfumes will be there too.

Pell Wall Perfumes will be on Stand A26 in the Home and Craft Marquee

The Shrewsbury Flower Show, organised by the Shropshire Horticultural Society, is held each year in the Quarry Park in Shrewsbury – 29 acres including the Dingle – a sunken garden designed by Britain’s first celebrity gardener Percy Thrower.

The Dingle in the centre of Quarry Park

It promises to be a wonderful day out and, fingers crossed, it even looks as though the weather will be good.

Pell Wall Perfumes will have some special offers and several new and exclusive products that you can’t buy from the website, so if you’re anywhere within reach do come along to see us in the main Home and Craft marquee stand A26.
{1953} a new luxury fragrance from Pell Wall
Here’s some of the stock, in cold storage, ready to go to the show:

Perfume Stock

Another of the fun products being displayed for the first time:

Frogspawn & Pondweed Bubble Bath

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