I need documentation for ingredients I have purchased - how do I get it?
I need documentation for ingredients I have purchased - how do I get it?
Products | 3 years ago
I need documentation for ingredients I have purchased - how do I get it?
As far as possible we make documentation available for download from the individual product pages for each ingredient. If the documentation isn’t there we can’t supply it by any other means, in some cases we don’t have it: not all manufacturers provide all documents or any. In other cases we haven’t prepared it for download, which is a process that costs us labour and therefore money – it’s not something you can demand from us simply because you’ve purchased the product – that service is not included in the product price.
As noted in our T&Cs “Documentation for ingredients is provided by download from the product page only: if you need documentation that isn’t available on the product page please don’t buy that ingredient because we don’t supply documentation by any other means.”
We are aware that when you first move to producing a product for sale in the EU you will approach a Safety Assessor to provide you with the necessary assurance that your product is safe for sale. Often the first thing they will do is demand every possible item of documentation for every ingredient in the product, thus sending you away on a document chase. In 2018 the Pell Wall Perfumer had almost 100 perfumes Safety Assessed, yet not a single item of documentation had to be sent to the Assessor except the IFRA Certificate for each fragrance (which is created by the Perfumer responsible for the fragrance) and the list of ingredients. All the other documentation the assessor already had. If your experience is different you may want to consider changing assessor!
You can check whether an item has IFRA restrictions in IFRA's safe use libray on their web site.
Please read more about our documentation policy on our web site.