The discount code you provided doesn't work. What's wrong?

The discount code you provided doesn't work. What's wrong?

  Web Site   |     3 years ago

The most common reason for this is because the discount code has been obtained from a site advertising discount codes for various suppliers: in our case such codes will allways be either fake, out of date, or restricted to certain email addresses.  You will never obtain a usable code from such sites and we regularly take enforcement action against them for misuse of our trade marks, but as they opperate at the edges of the law anyway, they tend to persist and proliferate.  Please report any such mis-use of our intelectual property to us via our help centre.

If you want to be the first to know about our discount codes please subscribe to our mailing list - we guarantee always to tell our VIP subscribers first.

If you've got the code from our mailing list or our own social media accounts:

  • It is possible that from time to time we may make a mistake when configuring a discount code however we do rounds of testing with them to ensure they are working before we issue them.
  • If yours isn’t working please make sure that you are entering it exactly as displayed, for example our codes are not case sensitive, usually one word with a number and most importantly do not contain spaces or special characters like exclamation marks or other symbols (!@%$).
  • Most of our codes are issued through our newsletter as part of an email campaign, we will always have the code in text – rather than just in an image – so a good tip to make sure you get it right is to copy and paste it from the email itself.

If you are still sure there is an error please contact us.

  3 years ago