I have been blocked from contacting your customer services team.

I have been blocked from contacting your customer services team.

  Other   |     1 year ago

If you have been blocked from communicating with us when attempting to message us you will receive a response advising you that you cannot communicate with us and in most cases a reason will be supplied.

A block can be for several reasons:

  • You have opened a dispute/case with PayPal without first contacting us about the issue.
  • You have filed a chargeback with your bank or debit/credit card provider without first contacting us about any issues.
  • You have had multiple failed deliveries which have resulted in the return of the goods to us.
  • You have been rude or abusive to our support or fulfilment team members. We address this in our terms of service under the conduct and behaviour section, which says:

Finally please note that we adopt a zero-tolerance policy towards rudeness, aggression, threats and any other kind of abuse of anyone acting on our behalf: anyone who engages in such behaviour will be banned from shopping at Pell Wall permanently.  We will similarly enforce a permanent exclusion on anyone who attempts to defraud or scam us.

If we block your account and you find a way to circumvent the block or suspension we reserve the right to not enter into any correspondence with you and should there be an issue with your order no refunds, support, exchanges or credit will be given.

We reserve the right to immediately suspend proceedings with a purchase if it believes the customer is in breach of any of these terms and conditions.


  1 year ago