I have a list of items I wish to order with CAS numbers - can you check them and provide a link and best pricing?

I have a list of items I wish to order with CAS numbers - can you check them and provide a link and best pricing?

  Other   |     1 year ago

I have a list of items I wish to order with CAS numbers - can you check them and provide a link and best pricing?

No, I'm afraid we cannot do this for you, you will need to gather the information yourself.

All of the products we sell are listed on our web site and available to purchase in various quantities. All sales need to go through the web site so it makes more sense for you to go ahead and build your own cart on our web site at pellwall.com.

We recieve requests to fill out these kinds of list often and they are either part of an exercise to get the best pricing - meaning other companies are being asked to collate the same information to, so if we spend the time to do it and you choose someone elses response we have wasted hours of our time for free.

  1 year ago