Can you tell me who makes the ingredients sold by Pell Wall?

Can you tell me who makes the ingredients sold by Pell Wall?

  Products   |     1 year ago

Wherever we can, we try to stock ingredients from the major industry manufacturers (such as IFF, Firmenich, ACS and others) and where that is the case the name of the manufacturer will be listed in the product description.  However there are many other makers and we do sometimes stock generic versions of products better known by brand names belonging to those major players: if that is the case it will say so in the description and no manufacturer's name will be listed. See also the FAQ entry How do I know it's genuine? for more details about this.

There are also many unbranded chemicals used in perfumery and in those cases the name of the maker is often not known to us and therefore no manufacturer will be listed in the product description.  Many products are bought through specialist distributors and we do not generally disclose the names of the distributors we use.

  1 year ago