Why Doesn’t Pell Wall Comply with CCIC (California Cleaning Product) Regulations?
Why Doesn’t Pell Wall Comply with CCIC (California Cleaning Product) Regulations?
Other | 13 days ago
1. What is the CCIC?
The California Cleaning Product Right to Know Act of 2017 (SB 258) mandates that manufacturers of cleaning products sold in California disclose certain chemical ingredients on product labels and online. More about the bill on California Legislative Information
2. Does Pell Wall need to comply with the CCIC?
No. Pell Wall specialises in aroma chemicals and raw materials intended for perfumery and scented products, which are not classified as cleaning products. Therefore, the CCIC does not apply to our products.
3. What if a customer uses Pell Wall’s products in cleaning products sold in California?
If a customer incorporates Pell Wall’s materials into cleaning products intended for sale in California, it becomes their responsibility to ensure compliance with the CCIC. We may be able to provide necessary documentation, such as Safety Data Sheets (SDS), to assist in their compliance efforts.
4. Where can I find more information about the CCIC?
For detailed information on the CCIC, please refer to the official sources:
- California Cleaning Product Right to Know Act of 2017 (SB 258) on LegInfo
- California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Overview of CCIC